
Showing posts from February, 2018

Quit video games and porn.+ the benefits. Ignore counter

Hey people, I haven't seen very many interesting posts in a bit and decided I would give one a try. Hopefully this encourages and motivates you. I'm going to say a few things regarding my porn and video game addiction. I believe that every time we relapse it is because we decided your reason for quitting wasn't good enough. Every little decision shapes our minds literally. This, I know this applies to everyone. I've seen a quote on the internet along the lines of 'the wolf that you feed is the wolf that wins.' I was homeschooled up 8th grade. I used to be addicted to reading (yeah I know, unusual right?) until I discovered video games. I used to play video games from the age of 10ish-11 to the age of 18. My time was divided between playing outside, school and video games. I began spending my hard earned money to build kick ass PCs just for gaming. I built my first computer when I was 12. For you nerds it had a Core 2 Duo E8400 and a ATI 260...

Where and How can you disclose PHI??

HIPPA establishes civil and criminal penalties for covered entities that misuse Personal Health Information (PHI). Civil Penalties – fines of up to $100 for each violation of a requirement per individual to a maximum of $25,000 for violations of any single requirement in a calendar year; Criminal Penalties for "Wrongful Disclosure:" a) Knowingly releasing patient information can result in a one year jail sentence and a $50,000.00 fine; b) Gaining access to health information under false pretenses can result in a five year jail sentence and a $100,000.00 fine; c) Releasing patient information with harmful intent or selling the information can lead to a 10 year jail sentence and a $250,000.00 fine. PHI may be used/disclosed without authorization but with patient agreement: To maintain a facility's patient directory; To inform family member or other identified person involved in patient's care or n...

HIPAA conduit exception rule

The HIPAA conduit exception rule is only applicable to providers of purely conduit services who do not have access to protected health information (PHI) other than infrequently or randomly. For this reason, conduit providers do not have to sign a Business Associate Agreement (BAA). But what exactly is a conduit service, and when does the HIPAA conduit exception rule apply? Who is considered to be a conduit? Any entities that simply transport or transmit PHI such as the United States Postal Service and couriers, (as they do not have routine access to PHI other than infrequently or randomly, and disclosure of the PHI to such entity is not intended) are considered to be a conduit. When it comes to electronic protected health information (ePHI), it can be difficult for healthcare organizations to differentiate between which providers are conduits, and which are not. Occasional, random access by a data transmission entity does not necessarily make the entity a HIPAA busine...

Best sites to watch movie

I was also searching for such websites from last 7 days and found various bad places along with these three most trusted and popular sites. So, I filtered these 3 best and trusted websites for watching movies online absolutely free. All of these sites are most trusted. That’s why I liked all of them. These 3 websites are popular and provide the best quality for movies. It is the suggestion from me that don’t believe on any site for online movie watching because most of them are fake and having malware. But, these 3 sites are completely pure and growing rapidly. MyDownloadTube is one of the best websites to download as well as watch movies online for absolutely free. I tried downloading and watching movies on this website; it works great. Not only this, it offers the movies trailers, and many other info about the movie such as a little description about the movie, star cast and rating etc. So, this website is all about good whether you wanna download or watch movies...

What does the HIPAA Privacy Rule do?

The HIPAA Privacy Rule was issued by the United States Department of Health and Human Services to restrict the use and disclosure of personally identifiable information that pertains to a patient or consumer of healthcare services. This information is called protected health information (PHI). The rule was created to protect patients’ privacy. Under HIPAA, a covered entity (CE) must make practical efforts to use, disclose and request only the minimum necessary amount of PHI required for any particular task. The Privacy Rule also gives patients rights over their health information and the right to access their own medical records. It gives patients more control over their health information. It sets boundaries on the use and release of health records. It establishes appropriate safeguards that health care providers and others must achieve to protect the privacy of health information. It holds violators accountable, with civil and criminal penalties t...

Future of Cryptocurrencies

Some of the limitations that cryptocurrencies presently face – such as the fact that one’s digital fortune can be erased by a computer crash, or that a virtual vault may be ransacked by a hacker – may be overcome in time through technological advances. What will be harder to surmount is the basic paradox that bedevils cryptocurrencies – the more popular they become, the more regulation and government scrutiny they are likely to attract, which erodes the fundamental premise for their existence. While the number of merchants who accept cryptocurrencies has steadily increased, they are still very much in the minority. For cryptocurrencies to become more widely used, they have to first gain widespread acceptance among consumers. However, their relative complexity compared to conventional currencies will likely deter most people, except for the technologically adept. A cryptocurrency that aspires to become part of the mainstream financial system may have to satisfy widely d...

Best CryptoCurrency News Sites

I spend on average 8 hours a day researching and trading cryptocurrencies. I have found the following 3 resources to supplement each other perfectly to provide an all-inclusive look at the market, news, and projections. Crypto Answers - CA generates unique content throughout each day focusing on news, mainstream adoption, and ICO information. They distribute both written content and videos which can be found on their YouTube channel. CryptoNewsTrends - CryptoNewsTrends provides a live feed of nearly all cryptocurrencies. It feeds from all of the active exchanges to deliver the live average price between them. It works flawlessly for the top 20 currencies or so, but the others don’t update reliably for some reason. It also provides crucial information such as the algorithm and proof type that corresponds to each coin. CoinMarketCap - CoinMarketCap tracks over 1300 coins and provides slightly delayed (~10 minutes) prices for all of them. Every price on their web...

Your Nonprofit Can Accept Donations Online Right Now

Online giving is an important part of donating for supporters – the average online charity donation jumped by 32% to nearly £70 last year. But with smaller charities and community groups tight on resources, how can they make the best use of what they already have to maximize online donations ? All platforms offer a different service, with some giving quite detailed fundraising support, which might outweigh the cost. LocalGiving, for example, charges fees at the higher end of the scale, but offers a very detailed service which brings in match-funding for charity donations. A relatively new organisation, Golden Giving, which is funded by philanthropists, doesn’t charge fees and might offer a challenge to the big guns. Nonprofit organizations are tax-exempt organizations that are charitable, educational, scientific, religious or literary, and use all revenue in service to the public. A nonprofit organization can reduce fundraising costs and attract more donors by enabling...

Phone calls are not in themselves HIPAA violations

Phone calls are not in themselves HIPAA violations, as they are covered by the Conduit Exception Rule - Which also covers fax transmissions (paper copies of PHI transmitted by fax). VOIP calls are not excepted and neither are SMS messages. As has already been mentioned, the HIPAA Privacy Rule still applies and the person to whom PHI is disclosed over the phone must be authorized to receive that information. Care must also be taken to ensure that PHI is not disclosed over the phone when other people are in the vicinity and can hear what is being said. Not in and of themselves, or else most doctor’s offices and health insurance companies would be unable to do business. However, if someone calls purporting to represent a patient and you give them that patient’s info without verifying their identity and authority, it can be, so a covered entity would still need to be cautious. Physical and network security measures, as described in HIPAA guidelines...


HIPAA requires that both covered entities and business associates provide HIPAA training to members of their workforce who handle PHI.  This means that even small physician’s offices need to train their personnel on HIPAA.  Doctors need to be trained.  Nurses need to be trained.  Business associates — and any of their subcontractors — must have training.  Basically, anyone who comes into contact with protected health information (PHI) must be trained. HIPAA doesn’t specify any particular length for the training.  Obviously, training for just a few minutes wouldn’t be sufficient, but training does not have to go on for hours. A common mistake I see in training programs is that they are often too long and bombard people with a lot of information they don’t need.  The human attention span is very short.  I have not seen any data to support that very long training programs — ones that go on for 2+ hours — will achieve better comprehe...

Critical Components of Phishing Awareness Training

As we just touched on, phishing protection doesn’t need to become a huge burden on your business. However, it absolutely must be something you take seriously. Make a real effort and your staff will follow suit. With that said, let’s now look at the critical components of phishing protection training. First and foremost, you need to bring up the steps involved in proper phishing protection on a regular basis. This kind of consistency will keep it in the forefront of your employees’ heads. If you only bring it up every now and then, you can’t be too surprised when your people fall into a lull and become vulnerable to attack. Along the same lines, you have to consider turnover. While proper phishing protection should be part of your new employee orientation programs, the different lengths of time people have been working for your company will automatically mean some people are exposed to the training more than others. We’ll talk about how often you need to carry out some...

Best Online Donation Tools

When you enable your supporters to make contributions online, you’re opening up a world of donation opportunities for them through channels like online donation pages, mobile giving, peer-to-peer and crowdfunding platforms, and more. Convenient, fast, and secure, online donations are essential for the successful nonprofit. But in order to accept online gifts, you’ll need to select the right online donation platform . There are a number of viable options for online giving, but some providers stand out from the crowd. Here, we’ll go over the best online donation tools in detail to help you find the right fit for you. Qgiv provides simple, powerful donation pages for nonprofit organizations. Through our platform, you’ll be able to customize your pages to match your website completely. When you have a professional, branded donation page, your donors will be more likely to trust that their payments are secure and complete the donation process! Digigiv makes it easy to collect online donatio...

Big deal

ব্যাংক ডাকাতির সময় এক ডাকাত সবাইকে বলল, 'কেউ নড়াচড়া করবেন না, মাটিতে শুয়ে পড়ুন। ব্যাংকের টাকা আপনার নয়, কিন্তু আপনার জীবন আপনার, যা বলছি তাই চুপচাপ মেনে নিন'। এইটাকে বলে 'মাইন্ড চেঞ্জিং কনসেপ্ট'। সাধারণ চিন্তাকে বিপরীত দিকে ঠেলে দেয়া। হঠাত এক মহিলা টেবিলের উপর শুয়ে পড়ল। ডাকাত সর্দার বলল, 'এই যে মেডাম এখানে শুটিং হচ্ছে না, ডাকাতি হচ্ছে। আমার কথামতো মাটিতে শুয়ে পড়ুন, নইলে গুলি করে দিব'। এটাকে বলে 'প্রফেশনালিজম'। যে জন্য ট্রেইন করা হয়েছে সেটাতে মনোযোগ দেয়া। ডাকাতির পর বাসায় ফিরে শিক্ষানবিশ ডাকাত বলল, বস চলেন টাকাটা গুনে ফেলি। সর্দার বলল, 'আরে গাধা এখানে অনেক টাকা গুনতে সময় লাগবে। রাতের খবর দেখ তাহলেই বুঝতে পারবি কয় টাকা চুরি হয়েছে'। এইটাকে বলে 'অভিজ্ঞতা'। বর্তমানে তাই শিক্ষাগত যোগ্যতার চেয়ে অভিজ্ঞতার মূল্য অনেক বেশি। ডাকাতরা চলে যাওয়ার পর ব্যাংক অফিসার ম্যানেজারকে বলল, পুলিশকে খবর দেই। ম্যানেজার বলল, ওকে স্যার,স্যার এইখানে যে টাকা আছে সেখান থেকে আমরা আগে পঞ্চাশ লক্ষ টাকা সরিয়ে নেই। তারপর যে টাকা চুরি হয়েছে সেটার সাথে এই টাকা যোগ করে প...

প্রেম স্বর্গীয় না, নরকীয়।

শীতের রাত। কেমন যেন চাপা একটা কান্না শোনা যাচ্ছে। কারো বাচ্চা কাঁদছে। কার বাচ্চা? বেড়ালের না, মানুষেরই মনে হচ্ছে। সকালে কোনো এক বাড়ির বুয়ার কৌতুহলটা খুব বেশি  হলো। এদিক ওদিক তাকিয়ে আবিষ্কার করলেন দু বিল্ডিং এর মাঝখানে যে চিপা জায়গা সেখানে একটা পুটলি থেকে কান্না আসছে। কারো বাসা থেকে ফেলা হয়েছে বোধকরি। অথবা রাস্তা থেকে ছুঁড়ে মেরেছে। একজন দারোয়ান অনেক কষ্ট করে ওই চিপা জায়গাতে গিয়ে পুটলিটা উদ্ধার করে আনল। মানুষের বাচ্চা। নবজাতক। হাসপাতালে নেয়া হলো। একদিন থেকে মরে গেল। একটা সারা রাত সে কেঁদেছে। যার বাবা, যার মা ফেলে গেছে - তাকে কে কোলে নেবে? কেঁদেছে সেই শীতের রাতে যে রাতে কুকুরও খোলা আকাশের নীচে থাকে না, উষ্ণতা খুঁজে নেয়। বাচ্চাটা মায়ের দুধ পায়নি। উষ্ণতা না। মানুষের এত বড় বড় দালানে ছোট্ট একটা জায়গাও হয়নি তার। এটা কাছে আসার না বলা সত্য গল্প। জি সত্য গল্প। গত কয়েক বছরে এমন খবর অনেকগুলো চোখে পড়েছে। ডাস্টবিনে বাচ্চা। ছাদ থেকে ফেলে দেয়া থেতলে যাওয়া বাচ্চা। কুকুরের মুখে মানুষের বাচ্চা - এগুলো কোথা থেকে আসে? হারামভাবে কাছে আসা থেকে। হারামজাদা বলে মানুষ গালি দেয় ওই বাচ্চাটাকে। কিন্তু ওই ...

Is Love heavenly, or Narcotic?

Winter night It sounds like a cry of tears. Somebody's crying. Who is the child? Not the cat, it seems to humans. In the morning, the boar curiosity of a house was very much. Looking at this, we discovered that there is a crypt from a bowl in the chipa area in the middle of the two buildings. Somebody has been removed from the house. Or thrown out of the road. A courier took a lot of pain and went to the chipa area to recover the poultita. Human baby Newborn Taken to the hospital. Died one day. She cried one more night. Whose father, whose mother has left - who will take him? The cold night that the dog is not under the sky in the cold night, he finds warmth. The baby did not get the mother's milk. Not warming The people did not have even a small place in such a large building. It is not true that the story is not coming near. G true story In the past few years, many such stories have been seen. Dusty baby The child who was thrown out of the roof The childre...

HIPAA Compliance Checklist

Here's a checklist to help you prepare for HIPAA compliance this year. Technical Safeguards Implement a system of access control including unique user names and PINs, plus protocols governing release of ePHI in the event of an emergency.  Ensure a system is in place to authenticate all ePHI; make sure no information is altered or deleted in a way that violates HIPAA guidelines.  Implement an encryption system for all information sent and received outside the organization's internal firewall.  Initiate and/or carry out a system of ePHI access control audits.  Make sure an automatic log-out protocol is in place for all devices used to access ePHI.  Physical Safeguards Ensure procedures are in place to record anyone with physical access to areas where ePHI is stored (managed service providers, cleaners, engineers, etc.) Implement safeguards for workstations and develop protocols for which functions may be performed on wor...

Open DNS :: Easy and Fast

When you type in a website name in your browser (for example, com), it is translated into a numerical address (i.e., IP address) that is used by your computer to communicate with the server. The piece of software that translates the name com (the domain name) into its numerical counterpart is called the Domain Name System (or DNS, in short). When you connect to the Internet through your Internet Service Provider (ISP), a DNS provider is assigned to your computer by the ISP. OpenDNS  is a public DNS service that can be a replacement for the DNS provided by your ISP. There are several reasons why you want to use OpenDNS instead: Performance: OpenDNS operates on top of 24 global data centers are strategically located at the most well-connected intersections of the Internet. It boasts DNS responses that are faster than anyone else. Security: OpenDNS automatically blocks phishing attacks and identity theft. While it is not possible to block all pos...

HIPAA Violation : Dismisal

I am a young nurse that has only been practicing for 1 1/2 years. I love my job as a nurse, and I just got my dream job at a hospital I have always wanted to work at. I have been there for 4 months and I was called into HR for a meeting. They asked me why my name was on patients computer charts that I did not take care of. They informed me that was a HIPAA violation. I was completely devastated as I thought HIPAA violations were more like wrongly giving information out, obtaining info to use against someone, or copying information and taking it with you. Those kind of things were what I thought of when I thought of HIPAA. I didn't look at charts to find someone I knew or anything like that. I am a night nurse and I would just browse during downtime. I couldn't tell anyone the first thing about what was going on with any of the patients. I was just ignorant and didn't realize that I was violating something. They are talking about termination. On appeal, Michelle ...

HIPAA Regulations regarding SMS

The increased use of personal mobile devices by healthcare professionals to transmit and receive electronic protected health information (ePHI) raises the question “is SMS HIPAA compliant?” Recent changes to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) resolved some of the confusion about HIPAA compliance and SMS, and this article aims to simplify and summarize those changes. The HIPAA regulations regarding SMS are fairly clear – if you are transmitting any form of ePHI, it should be done through a secure messaging system which complies with HIPAA Privacy Rule. The HIPAA Privacy Rule applies to providers of health plans (insurers and employers included), health care clearinghouses (including administrators and brokers), and to any healthcare profession who transmits ePHI – ePHI being defined as “any information about health status, provision of health care, or payment for health care that can be linked to a specific individual”. There are eight...

Assess your own Data Protection Policy

Having learned about the legal responsibilities you have as a data controller under the Data Protection Act, it will be evident that these responsibilities will not be met unless the issues involved are specifically examined in a structured manner and the results of that examination converted into a clear policy position on data protection. Remember -you should be able to answer YES to all of the questions below. If you can, your business is in good shape from a data protection viewpoint. If you don't have a clean sheet, the checklist can help you identify the areas where you need to improve. Fair obtaining: At the time when we collect information about individuals, are they made aware of the uses for that information? Are people made aware of any disclosures of their data to third parties? Have we obtained people's consent for any secondary uses of their personal data, which might not be obvious to them Can we describe our data-collection practices as open, transp...

Make that over 4,000 in less than 24 hours. I’m overwhelmed.

It happened today … a very lively and curious 3 year-old was running through Starbucks, making her sparkly neon shoes blink, and nearly landed in my lap because she overshot the spot where she planned to turn. As she backed away, she noticed that I don’t have feet … her eyes got wide and she spun around “Mommy!! This lady doesn’t have feet!” Mommy was looking mortified but was balancing a baby in a carrier while trying to say “I’m so sorry” and get the child to come back to her … but the bright little spot of energy had already spun around to me again and was studying the bright knit socks I wore over the stumps. “Where did your feets go?” I told her I’d been in an accident. “Will you grow new ones?” Nope. They don’t grow back. But that’s ok, because I have the chair to let me get around. “How fast can your chair go?” … Which turned into a discussion of who was faster, me in my chair or her with her pretty, neon shoes that lit up when she moved! We ended up having a “race” ...

Complaint Portal Assistant

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR), enforces federal civil rights laws, conscience and religious freedom laws, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules, and the Patient Safety Act and Rule, which together protect your fundamental rights of nondiscrimination, conscience, religious freedom, and health information privacy at covered entities. Federal Civil Rights Laws help to protect you from unfair treatment or discrimination because of your race, color, national origin, disability, age, or sex. Federal Conscience and Religious Freedom Laws help to protect you from coercion, discrimination on the basis of conscience or religion, and burdens on the free exercise of religion. If you believe that a covered entity disc...

The effects of General Data Protection Regulation on the IT industry?

We expect that GDPR will bring back part of the data to the EU. Data controllers will give preference to local data center providers in the courtiers where personal data is collected as it will decrease the amount of paperwork and reduce the risk to be penalized. And here Jelastic meets the needs of customers partnering with 25 service providers that have data centers in EU and well-conceived processes of data collecting. From the other hand, the majority of data controllers (i.e. website owners, mobile app developers, SaaS solutions) should improve both technical and legal aspects of personal data security within their companies to be compliant with GDPR and avoid fines. In cloud industry, we will notice increasing demand on migration services and bigger attention to lock-in issue as many companies will have to shift from untrusted public clouds that are not compliant to domestic data center providers or even to on-premise private clouds. The demand for hybrid and multi-cloud w...

HIPAA violation cases

There are all kinds of HIPAA violation cases out there - whether they violate the security, administrative or technical safeguards, data breaches often occur within certain parameters, as can be seen from research of the HHS reported breaches affecting 500 individuals or more. If you’re looking for what the penalties and fines are for certain types of HIPAA violations , see the chart below (recently updated to reflect the final HIPAA rules): According to the final HIPAA modifications, in applying these amounts, the Department will not impose the maximum penalty amount in all cases but rather will determine the penalty amounts  based on the nature and extent of the violation, the nature and extent of the resulting harm, and the other factors. The most common cases in the news involved the following: Although this may be due to the fact that encrypted data breaches do not have to be reported, the vast majority of data breaches are due to stolen or lost data that was unencrypt...

Why it’s so important to be prepared for GDPR Compliance Audit?

There will be a variety of fines available, for DPAs to use against companies that are non-compliant with the GDPR. The exact level of fines, aside from the highest possible, has yet to be defined. And, there will be some leeway for DPAs to make decisions on this matter. There will also be some leeway when it comes to imposing other sanctions. What the available sanctions will be is also yet to be defined. Although DPAs will have some leeway to make decisions, when it comes to imposing sanctions and fines, it’s expected that they will discuss this type of matter with each other. Doing so will help to maintain the level of uniformity that is required, under the GDPR. The starting point for any company should be awareness of what the GDPR covers. Many global companies do not believe that the GDPR affects them in any way. They may be in for a shock, if they have anything to do with processing the data of people living within the EU. This does not just apply to data which i...

How to be a good writer

Here I’m going to brief about a sophisticated topic that “As a good writer share some writing tips.” I think as a human being every person have a writing capability denying their educational status. I know are not acceding here with me that how an illiterate person can write. I think if you think in contact with your glossiness you will get that answer because the thinking of an uneducated person is regarded as his writing inclination. If you want to be an ideal writer, you must have sufficient patience to spend time anywhere anytime without any reason with an empty paper sheet. It may be monotonous for you initially, but undoubtedly you are going to meet with some enthralling and fascinating moment in further time which a millionaire even can’t buy. The more you have thinking skill and perception ability, the more qualitative writer you are.  It is comprehensively known that the writer has a unique observation and thinking capability. If those thoughts are wri...

Key definitions of the EU General Data Protection Regulation

For the purposes of EU General Data Protection Regulation : ‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person; ‘processing’ means any operation or set of operations which is performed on personal data or on sets of personal data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction; ‘restriction of processing’ means the markin...