Meeting GDPR training requirements

Achieving GDPR compliance starts with employee training and education. Ultimately, it is your employees who are responsible for data processing activities your organisation takes.

A data protection officer stands at a fork in the road, just months before the General Data Protection Regulation goes into effect. For months, the DPO’s team has been working on getting their program in place. They can finally see their way past writing policies and conducting privacy impact assessments and leading their team as they document all their data classification procedures.

Now it’s time to decide how they’ll handle the training requirements embedded within the GDPR. You may be standing at that same fork in the road. There are two paths toward meeting your goals: a deeply cynical option and a hopelessly idealistic option.

The cynical path to GDPR training compliance is very direct. It could be as simple as this:require online training for all those who process data, and require these same people to attest to their commitment to following policies.Such a program would be easy to put in place. It could be as simple as purchasing an off-the-shelf online training course and could easily be completed in advance of the May deadline.


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